Check back often for the latest happenings, schedules, and to dos for Holy Family School Genesian Players.

Thursday, December 31, 2015


Congratulations to all of you who auditioned so bravely and confidently just before Christmas Break. Now, it’s time for some of you to sing for us one more time. Please read below and prepare for callbacks on Wednesday, January 6th and Thursday, January 7th from 3:30-5:00. If you were not called back, it does not mean you will not be cast. Please check back for a cast list after callbacks.

Narrator: Peter, Toni, Emily R., Jack, Justin

Cinderella: Emma, Logan, Bella, Kaitlyn

Jack: Zack, Drew

Jack’s Mother: Genevieve, Erin, Toni, Tatiana

Baker: Peter, Justin, Luke

Baker’s Wife: Maddie, Kaitlyn, Valeria, Logan

Little Red: Kristyn, Meredith, Grace, Alexandra

Witch: Hayleigh, Valeria

Cinderella’s Prince: Seamus, Justin, Jack

Milky White: Isabel, Anna, Payton

Cinderella’s stepmother/stepsisters: Erin, Ariana, Emily, Toni

Cinderella’s mother: Alexandra, Kiran, Logan, Toni

Rapunzel: Grace, Kristyn, Valeria, Logan

Rapunzel’s prince: Justin, Jack

Mysterious man: Peter, Joseph, Luke

Wolf: Luke, Justin, Emily, Jack

What to Prepare

If you’re called back for:
***Narrator, Cinderella, Jack, Jack’s Mom, Baker, Baker’s Wife, Little Red, Stepmother/Stepsisters: Opening Parts 1-9 (learn the part(s) you’re called back for only, but make sure you know when to come in!)

***Wolf, Little Red: Hello, Little Girl

***Princes: Agony

Everyone: Finale Part 6 (whichever part makes sense based on your callbacks)

If you are called back for one of the parts with *** beside it, prioritize learning that music over the Finale.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


It’s time to audition for Into the Woods, Jr.!

Go to Choose a "score" snippet (third column) to sing at your audition. We'll provide a track for you to sing to. You can find these songs all over the internet to practice with at home! Familiarize yourself with all the materials on the INTO THE WOODS page to best prepare for your audition

Once you’re ready to select an audition time, please do so at this link.

Before your child comes to auditions on Sunday, December 13th, please take a few moments to read over what you can expect for your child to take away from working on our school musical.

Performing in a musical is an experience that young people will remember for the rest of their lives, and it is truly our pleasure to work with your child on this exciting project.  We want everyone involved to understand both the benefits and responsibilities that go along with being in a musical, so we have detailed some of the basics here.
First off, there are a number of great benefits to being in a musical, including: 

Active Participation in the Arts: Participating in the arts provides young people with a chance to explore their creativity and imagination in a structured and safe environment. Musical theater is specifically remarkable because it is the only art form that combines all areas of the fine arts: acting, singing, dancing, and visual arts.

Improving Literacy Skills: From reading scripts to memorizing lines to learning to tell a story, young people continually improve their literacy skills while rehearsing and performing in a musical. 

Becoming a Confident Public Speaker: It takes a lot of guts to stand up and sing or dance in front of your family, peers, and what may seem like the entire community. Experience with public speaking at a young age gives students confidence that will be important to them for the rest of their lives.

Gaining Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Skills: Putting on a musical is a group effort and every member of the team must work together to make it happen. Throughout the rehearsal process, the students will learn to solve challenges as they arise. Students will learn to trust and depend on themselves and their cast mates.
As with any group activity, every participant has responsibilities. Please look over the following items to make sure you and your child feel you can honor the commitment to being a part of a show.  
Attendance: Rehearsals will begin in January on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and every other Sunday. Other dates will be added occasionally. Attendance is required every day from Saturday, April 23rd through Thursday, April 28th leading up to our performances on the 29th and 30th. Please look over your calendar closely to make sure your child has no conflicts with the rehearsals or show dates. If there are conflicts, please let the production team know as soon as you check your child in at their audition on December 13th. Students are expected to attend all rehearsals they are called for unless prior approval has been given. Failure to do so can result in dismissal from the show.

Rehearsals: Rehearsals will typically last from approximately 3:30-5:30 PM each weekday and 10:00 AM- 2:00 PM on Sundays and be held at the school or the PLC. Students should bring their scripts, a pencil, a snack, and wear appropriate shoes and clothes for movement. Also, please make sure you have arranged for your child to be picked up on time from each rehearsal.

Homework: Students will have some homework for the show, including memorizing lines and songs, rehearsing their dances, researching their character, etc. Work with your child to create a schedule so they have time to finish both their school homework and their homework from the musical.

Attitude: The rehearsal room and theater are safe spaces where young people can take positive risks and be themselves without the fear of being laughed at or alienated. This principle is essential to artistic growth and exploration. Participants are expected to respect these principles and are encouraged to remember it themselves when trying new things.

Volunteering: The most important thing you can do to help us with the musical is make sure your child commits to everything listed above. If you want to volunteer additional time or resources to the production, simply drop us a note with your name, and we will contact you when assistance is needed. We are still in the process of compiling a list of everything that needs to be done, but don’t worry, when we have tasks that need to be done, we will let you know.   

Finally, please remember that a musical is a living, breathing entity. Things don’t always go exactly as planned, so changes to the plan will most likely be made throughout the rehearsal process. We promise to give you as much advance notice as possible on all changes that arise.
If you have questions or concerns at any time throughout the process, please feel free to contact us at and we will be happy to help you.

Mackenzie Finnegan              Deb Egan
Director                                                         Production Manager

Friday, May 1, 2015


Lights- get stained glass programmed into nuns entrance cue for next time
Lights- take stained glass out of Maria’s stair cue
Lights- slow down lights dimming on Maria cue
Nuns- Maria was MUCH better today!!! Please keep increasing your energy
Bethany- thank you for taking my over the shoulder note@
Katie- I can see you from one side of the audience but not the kitchen side. STAY OPEN please!!! I don’t want those people to miss out on seeing your great expression!
Katie- good job watching Maria- you made a good judgment call to exit. That’s fine too.
Lights- Blackout in between 2 and 3
Joseph- good stalling!
Seamus- polish the whistle on your jacket not your hand
Lights- put the center light into all cues that use the center section
Kristyn- don’t stress about pulling on her skirt
Juliana- and you’re gretl. NOD
Ignacio- try to stand up in time to say “far” while you’re facing us
Gen- you do a fantastic job staying open to us after your line “do re mi fa so and so on.” Make sure you’re open when you say that line, too!
Von Trapps- watch your timing when you’re in the xylophone. If One of you goofs up, get it back on rhythm.
Luke- I can’t see you in the final do-re-mi pose
Joseph- nice job with time for your exercise
Toni- enter before the children exit so you’re onstage and we’re not waiting on you. In fact, enter with Joseph if you’d like on SR
Toni- you are OWNING this scene. You put such feeling and understanding into it. Thank you! You’re bringing the rest of the cast up with the level of work you’re showing!
Lights- is there anything we can do with the LED’s in the top of the Sixteen to make it look more like night?
JJ- stay in your light. Don’t go so far SR
Amelia- stay open to us as much as possible to your left hwen you’re on the platform
Amelia- place your hand on the stairs or on your right leg so it’s easy for JJ to grab the second time. You should have to give it to him. IT should be a surprise.
JJ- I am seventeen going on 18 is where you come in at the end and not before
jj- swing to the right before you kiss her hand- we miss it
Amelia- great job climbing in the window. Don’t forget to freeze when she says your name the first time.
Bethany- take a moment to assess her clear lie and then come up with the question, “were you walking alone?”
Amelia- remember you were going to exit DS of the bed and out the SR wing to go to the bathroom?
Emma- don’t walk over to zac and grace until soon the duet will become a trio- you’re goinga  line too early
Amanda- lean with the other side of the folks in the town. It’s uneven otherwise
Sound- replicate goatherd track for the transition. What was the other one??!
Seamus- I saw you take out the whistle but there was no sound
Meredith- if he messes up your hair, that’s fine
Bethany- loved you looking down to take a moment before laying into him
Seamus- turn back to Maria VERY reluctantly. Slowly.
Seamus- I can see the terror in your eyes before you sing. Stay in character- you’re moved by their singing and it makes you join in
Kids- you DID IT. You made that moment what it needs to be
Bethany- throw the kerchief before the change music if you need. I don’t want you standing there strangely
Ignacio- good instinct to go before Seamus was ready! Talk to me about making this a permanent change in the event that this is not ready.
Bethany- talk to me about your foot in the landler
Gen- your lines with Maria- let’s pick a time for you to move in this scene
Seamus- great “no.”
Joseph- enter sooner after solong farewell
Great conversation!
Seamus- pick up on that convo with Max while all are exiting for dinner sooner. You don’t need to wait for everyone to be gone.
Lights into scene 8
Light- take giant circle out of 51
Bethany- if your wimple starts coming off early, you can fix it it
Nuns- if the windows are on, you must go at nun speed. You did a good job picking up on that as you hurried to exit J
Seamus and Franz- anticipate your entrances into scene 9
Max- WHAT are you saying here?
Seamus and Maria- we need to talk about where you enter in scene 9- it doesn’t make sense right now.
Lights- fix cue 56 kids on platform
Seamus- great job entering earlier into this scene. Own your entrance and enter quickly then PLANT YOUR FEET.
Seamus- your hand to her and then she accepts it.
Seamus- make a bigger deal out of asking her to marry you- pause first. You two- giggle as you exit
How to make that transition faster to 10- seamus and Bethany enter SL instead? Then they’ll all be in light? Sneak around the corner of the tower?
Seamus, Bethany- let’s talk about this scene.
Max- own walking off the platform
LIGHTS in Center at top of platform
Seamus- blow it off- smiles
Seamus- stop swaying!
Seamus “you may believe what you choose” was FANTASTIC
Seamus- don’t look so uncomfortable after you sing!!! Lights will go down.
Matthew- stop swaying! You’re in charge here!
Seamus- bring yourselves and the family onstage sooner so you’re not running onstage to sing
Meredith- look interested, please
Ignacio- stand in front of and between gen and luke during edelweiss
Leisl- stand next to luke during edelweiss
Seamus- you need to “stop singing” earlier
Meredith- love you grabbing your sisters
Costumes- should the flower deliverers wear formal wear?
Max- make a big deal out of opening the envelope. Acknowledge that you’re taking forever
Emily- guard the curtain by looking out at the audience
CJ- you need to lead the clapping during the festival
Max- faux panic not hilarity for “play something”
Idea for lights in this scene
Katie- LOOK AT YOUR LINES. You cue things here.
Nuns- open up here to us at the end

Seamus- hold your moment for “til you find your dream” at the end

Thursday, April 30, 2015


If you're a cast member who is NOT in the mass AND can arrive in the dressing room before 7AM, you may dress in costume to open car doors in the morning.

Wear foundation to school with tshirt and jeans with closed shoes.

Von trapp kids and Maria- 5:00PM
Full cast 6:00PM

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Notes from Wednesday


Notes are directions, not suggestions. Read and make changes tonight.

General Notes:
Make sure the costume crew is aware of your quick changes and someone has committed to helping you. Actors, you are responsible for pre-setting your own costumes from quick changes. This should give you some peace of mind, too. There are empty garment racks on either side of stage to try to keep us a little better organized. Use them!

Your. Mic. Is. On.
Look at your lines backstage when you are not in a scene. No shame! Do it!
Nuns- spacing in Preludium is bad.
Costumes-Shorten Valeria’s apron (pin up)
Crew- be at center of curtain at end of Preludium to let nuns through
Lights- Take stained glass out of Maria’s stair cue
Lights- Wait on hills light cue until Maria is approaching stage and music builds
Costumes- Shorten Maria’s apron (pin up)
Bethany- see me for Sound of Music movement. You’ve done so much with it- let’s make it perfect!
Lights- Stained glass windows in Abbey/ Mother Abbess' office?
Nuns- Sing “a clown”
Kiran- sing with group three through the entire song
Katie- wait for applause at end of "Maria"
Lights- Cue in Mother Abbess’s office with highlight
Katie- work on a solution for your veil with Mrs. Timmel tomorrow
Katie- stay open to us when you’re telling Maria about the Captain
Maria- it would be a nice touch if you have the paper in your hand that Mother Abbess gives to you when you enter the Von Trapp house
Maria- knock something over when you get into the house. Remember, she could "throw a whirling dervish out of whirl!"
Maria- don’t forget your joy at doing God’s will. As much as you’re trepidacious about this experience, you're excited
Kristen, Gen- knee socks
Gen- point to yourself on “I’m nine”
Gen- I love the way you’re holding the guitar
Kids- top of Do-Re-mi gather on the stairs on either side of Maria so it makes more sense when she brings you downstage.
Liesl- wait on the tea/bread motions until they’ve guilt-stared you into participating. There’s a longer gap there if you do that and it's funnier
Juliana- Make sure you sing “do” when Maria gets you up.
Joseph- walk upstage of the group after Do-Re-Mi so you stay open to us
Toni- try very hard to have that quilt entirely covered by the dress.
JJ- goofy bow and lead her to the stairs- I think it’s too early for you to take her hand before you sing
JJ- she’s calling you out- she’s cute and funny- laugh a little
You two- get real close on the platform before you back away
JJ- kiss her hand while standing instead of taking her to the platform to sit
Crew- you’re doing a brilliant job with these transitions. Make sure you are in the wings waiting for your “entrance.” Speed is as crucial for your entrance as it is for the actors’.
SR Girls- prefold the quilts so that they’re exactly how you need them. We’re getting two more comforters tomorrow so exactness isn’t important
Liesl- flinch at the first mention of your name in the beginning of Maria’s prayer and creep more slowly so you don’t end up so far SL.
Kurt- run to the opposite corner of the bed so that you’re opposite Luke when you enter
Bethany- you do a beautiful job yodeling while sitting down
Von Trapp kids- you’re having the TIME OF YOUR LIFE
Folks in the Town- run off a beat or two earlier if it helps you all get offstage before the last beat of music. It’s important to the audience’s understanding of the song that we do not see you after the final note.
SR Girls the chairs do not need to be right up against the table
Seamus- you must be onstage when lights come up on Scene 6.
Seamus- stay open to us as you read telegrams.
Max- take your hat off inside
Max- don’t forget to get up and cross when you hear the bells
JJ- hold the “heil” longer and stay open to us
Seamus- you should be APPALLED at this … this.. game they’re playing. Let us see that in your face. Don't forget to blow the whistle before you say "straight line!"
Seamus- throw the kerchief at her so she can catch it. OR OR OR throw it the way you’ve been doing it and…
Bethany- pick up the kerchief as you say you’re not home long enough to know them
Toni and Joseph- make sure you treat the trays with glasses like they are filled with liquid.

Seamus and Bethany-Chuckle in love. That scene is so cute, but you're SO SERIOUS about it. It's a lot of things but totally serious is not one of them.

Call times- read me!

Call times for Thursday dress rehearsal
4:30 Maria and Von Trapp Children
5:30 Full Cast

Notes coming later when I have better Internet. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday Notes

Valeria- watch your spacing once you hit the stage in the Preludium
Nuns- the preludium sounds great. Keep practicing!


Crew- Check your Pre-show setup

Maria-Your skipping is so cute. Let’s come up with other fun stuff you can do!

Maria- exit stage right after SOM.

Madison- look at your lyrics!

Logan- you speed up at one point that you don’t need to in Maria.

Grace and Valeria- I love your whispering in the corner. Grace- stay open to us!

Kaitlyn, Madison, and Logan- make this song BIG. Go over the top and I’ll bring you back.

Maria- Schnitzel is food. Touch your tummy.

You NAILED Favorite Things. DO IT AGAIN!

Katie: “Leave US.”
Maria: “I know what you expect.” Try saying it like you’re terribly hurt that she doesn’t think you know. Come find me if you’re not sure about what I mean.

Katie S.- Mother Abbess needs props on her desk. Come ask me about them. Austrian flag,

Suitcase needs some TLC.

Seamus- you’re flinging that suitcase around when you meet Maria and I will not look at the ugly end of it.  Please hold still or put it down sooner.

Seamus- playing with the whistle while telling Maria what her duties are is so effective. Keep it up!

Seamus- Don’t blow off “you are in command.” Instead, perhaps try showing your skepticism that she can handle it. Make sure you are on that platform before she blows the whistle. I can’t see either of you when Maria walks back to hand you the whistle as long as you’re standing on the floor behind the kids.

Kurt- where are your shoes?
Marta- don’t leave your spot to pull on her skirt just innocently address her from your spot.

Kurt-stay open

Maria- When you introduce yourself to the Captain, take your hat off.

Juliana- when you guys sit down at Maria’s feet and each person does a motion, you have to do a “deer” motion. Ask Kristyn what it was.

Von Trapps- Don’t be afraid to own your “note.” Mic volume isn’t your job. SING IT!

Juliana- Don’t forget to sing “do!” It’s your note!

Meredith- let’s simplify your sewing motion. Show me what you come up with.

VON TRAPPS YOU’RE TOO FAST. Most of Do-Re-Mi was ahead of the music.

Franz- Don’t put your back to us when you take the children to play.

We have to paint the stairs. Amelia blends in with it.

JJ and Amelia- I need you to practice singing that song entirely together three times before our run tomorrow.

Kurt- No backs to me in the goatherd scene

SR girls- preset the “unfolded” quilts so that you can use four people to walk them out and onto the platform. You’ll also have two big comforters so it won’t need to be so precise

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Notes from Today's Rehearsal


Find me tomorrow at rehearsal if you need clarification. If you say, "that note you gave me," I'll never remember what you're talking about so try to be specific with your question.

Thank you! You all did a great job today. I'm so excited to see you all adapt to the other additions coming this week!

Bethany- you do such a beautiful job singing "The Sound of Music." Don't feel like you must walk the entire time. You can stop to take it all in, skip over the brook, etc. There is great power in stillness. Maria isn't still most of the time (remember that because you, Bethany, are a very still, calming force) but certain things make her pause for a moment... the hills are one of those things.

Logan (Maddie and Kaitlyn, also)- you have great expression in your lines in "Maria." I love seeing your frustration with Maria's un-nunly antics. Don't forget to make a choice about to whom you are directing each line. It's important that they're not sung into the air. Are you talking to Mother Abbess, Sr. Sophia, Sr. Margaretta or all three of them? Make it clear and this song will soar. Logan and Kaitlyn- don't forget your dismay when Sr. Margaretta says "She makes me laugh."

All nuns- You were assigned groups when we first blocked this song. Do you remember which group you're in? Talk with each other tomorrow and figure it out because there should be three groups that sing in succession but now it's jumbled. At first I wondered if Amanda and Kiran switched spots, might it fix it? I'm not sure now. I need you all to work together to figure it out.

Bethany- will you check the spike (tape) marks for the chair you sit in near Mother Abbess' desk tomorrow? The placement looked strange during the run-through. I'd like the chair closer to the desk so if the spike marks need to be moved, feel free to make that happen.

Katie- you and Bethany sing so beautifully together in "My Favorite Things." Make sure you come in strong in the parts that are yours alone. "Cream colored ponies" stood out today.

Bethany- don't forget to do the sign of the cross when you kneel to pray in the interior of the house upon your arrival.

Seamus- Great job with your opening scene today. Don't forget to clean the whistle and blow her off while you tell her her duties.

Seamus- Don't forget that you call the kids using three different whistle commands. 1. assemble 2. march 3. stop

Genevieve- enter a little sooner tomorrow. You should be onstage as the kids are doing their redress motion. Don't forget the breakdown of the actions as soon as you bump into Seamus. I think there were 5 different things that happen before you run back to your spot.

Seamus- We didn't have the second whistle today, but please review in your script where you hand it to Maria. I think it's shortly after all the kids are in line, but you didn't say that line today.

Von Trapp Kids- Do Re Mi is a knock out number. Keep it up! You do a brilliant job with it. In the moments where you sing a single word on your own, such as when you jump up into the line where you scooch backwards doing the motion that matches your word, you need to be very clear and facing the audience as you say your word. Don't hold back there. Same thing as Maria assembles you into the xylophone structure before the do mi mi, mi so so. Make it strong!

Von Trapp Kids- Kristyn, if Juliana doesn't shove you at the point where you're all supposed to make the domino effect, you'll need to do it. Be prepared and make it happen!

Bethany- You might be doing this already, but if you're not, make an attempt to at least appear like you're playing the guitar. It can be chords here and there. Don't think too much about it.

Genevieve- There's something yellow built into the bottom of your shoes. Will you please use a black sharpie to cover that up? Thank you!

Leisl- We were a little messed up today since we were missing a couple of the kids, but know that when Maria puts you all in the xylophone set up that you will end up on the stairs. If the spacing works out and you're on the floor, that's fine with me, too.

All Actors- I know it's tough in those shoes, but try to walk and run more than you slide. Wear them outside and scuff them up on the concrete.

Joseph- Enter right after the applause hits its peak after Do-Re-Mi.

Von Trapp Kids- SLOW DOWN and listen to the music in Do-Re-Mi. It is very easy to get excited and ignore the music, especially on opening night. Don't let this happen to you.

Toni- You did such a beautiful job in the scene with Maria when you talked about the Captain. It's clear that you, Toni, care about your performance and that the housekeeper cares about the family she serves. Lovely. Make sure that when Maria bends over to get the guitar that you step close to her so her mic picks up your voice. It worked through most of the scene until that point and I'm sure we can make it work.

JJ- Don't forget to cross downstage right when you first bring up the idea about Colonel Schneider and the accidental telegram. That way your turn when you say "don't tell your father," won't be so awkward.

Leisl- if you end up wearing a lapel mic for the show, you may not touch the front of your dress where the microphone is. As cute and appropriate as it is for you to do that in the song, we heard a bang every time you did it tonight. If the microphone is on your face, then by all means, bring on that kind of cute.

JJ and Leisl- your scene and song were adorable tonight. Keep it up!

JJ- you were more confident in your singing yesterday. Come find me tomorrow so we can bring that back!

Liesl- we talked about a new entrance for you into Maria's bedroom which might solve this problem... be careful not to tiptoe out of your light. You were on the edge of the upstage light as you were trying to escape unnoticed so come downstage a bit tomorrow.

Zac- I loved your confident entrance and your beautiful yodeling tonight. Keep it up!

Zac and Grace- I moved you both around tonight. Please don't go any farther downstage than I put you tonight. Grace- you can be closer to Zac in that scene.

Folks in the Town- you did a great job improvising your entrance tonight. Thank you! I love your nosy conversations that I can see. To do tomorrow: 1. Bring back the idea of a few of you entering first and being nosy, then summoning your friends on. 2. Acclimate the people who were not here the day we blocked that song so they can find a place in the song as well. Fill them in on what you do and give them a good spot so Emma has people to look through and around. Don't be afraid to create levels. You can have people down in the front that squat a bit and some people who bend their knees. That would make a beautiful picture!

Von Trapp Kids- I always look at you right at the end of this song. I'd rather that the four of you who stand on the corners of the bed all lean the same way at the same time. Try that tomorrow... match Luke and Amelia's leaning. Thank you!

That's all for now. If you're reading these notes, please check with your friends tomorrow to make sure that they have read these notes as well. I'm looking forward to you all being on point tomorrow. Meet me in the house and leave all your belongings out there tomorrow night.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Candles request and notes about tomorrow

Hi all,

We were talking at rehearsal on Wednesday about using battery-operated candles in the show. Someone said they have a bunch at home. Whoever you are, would you bring them tomorrow? Please?

A few other people said they have guitars we can borrow for the show. Would you bring those tomorrow as well?

The lights are nearly focused and the costumes are organized. It's all becoming very real. Can't wait to see you all tomorrow! Be prepared, Bethany and Seamus, to work on the ländler. Peter, CJ, Seamus, Matthew, and JJ- we're starting tomorrow by fine-tuning your scene. Know it like the back of your hand. Bethany- I have an idea for your entrance. Find me tomorrow!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Oration Contest Practice Tomorrow

Hi all,

If you were called for rehearsal today, please plan to stay after school tomorrow until 4PM.

If necessary, kids called for rehearsal may stay with me until the Fine Arts Fest. Please bring jeans/PE shorts, a tshirt and closed toe shoes for the performance tomorrow. Our show shirts should be arriving for the performance!

Please plan to arrive for our performance no later than 7:30 and pick your child up by the end of the festival at 8 at the latest.

Tech Schedule- Dates Corrected

Here it is. Note that this schedule is TENTATIVE.

All actors are called from 12-6 this Sunday. Please eat lunch beforehand and bring a snack if you'll be hungry. Please read on for the tentative schedule for Tech Week.

Monday, 4/27 – 4:30-8:00  PLC
Run entire show  -  All Cast & All Crew

Tuesday, 4/28 - 5:00 - 8:30pm  PLC
Tech Rehearsal - All Cast & Partial Crew (No Hair and Makeup or House people)

Wednesday 4/29 -  Crew: 5:00 - 8:30pm      Cast: 5:45 – 8:30PM   PLC
Dress Rehearsal (no hair and makeup)– All Cast & Partial Crew (no hair and makeup or house people)

Thursday 4/30  Crew: 6PM-9PM    Cast: TBD starting at 4:30-9PM       PLC
Full Dress Rehearsal with All Cast & All Crew

Friday, 5/1 School Performance 10:30am   PLC
Still working out details due to First Friday Mass. All children should appropriate jeans and the show shirt to school. Some cast members will be asked to arrive early to get into costume for drop off. You’ll be notified.
Friday 5/1 Opening Performance    PLC
Crew Call  6:00 pm    Cast call TBD beginning at 4:30pm
Saturday, 5/2  Final Performances 3PM AND  7pm  PLC
3PM show -  Crew call 2pm       Cast call TBD beginning at 12:30pm
7PM show -  Crew call 6pm       Cast call TBD beginning at 4:30pm

CAST and CREW PARTY Immediately Following the Final Show until 10:30

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

FAF performance

We'll perform the leapfrog scene at the fine arts fest. I need Maria, captain, Von Trapp kids and max tomorrow until 5:30 and in attendance at the fine arts fest on Friday night. You need to be there by 7:15 at the latest. 

All cast and crew- you can pick up your show shirt at the fine arts festival! Please join us to wear your shirt and promote our show!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Reminders for Cast and Crew

Hello Genesians,

Tech week is quickly approaching. Here is a reminder of things due for the cast on Sunday:

Girls need: sports bra and bike shorts- will be sent home if you don't have them
Everyone needs to check blog post from 4/10 for socks and shoes requirements 
All must bring a reusable water bottle with their name on it 
Following items must be in a Baggie with name on it:

Black mascara, black pencil eyeliner, light foundation- pre-applied upon arrival starting Thurs April 30th

Crew: Please bring a reusable water bottle with you marked with your name. We'll provide dispensable water for you to fill your bottles with!

Ad Sales and Sponsorships

Hello Genesians!

We want to give you an opportunity to congratulate your young thespians, perhaps promote your business and to support our show in yet another way!

We're selling quarter and half-page ads in our full color program. There's a PayPal button on the school website. Go to them Student Life--> Genesian Players and scroll down. The image below contains the information.

We're still looking for corporate sponsors. With the time constraints, we've shrunk both the sponsors' package and the price. Please email me if you would like to sponsor our production!

At this point, we're seeking a $1,000 donation and our sponsorship includes a full page ad in the program and a spot on our sponsors banner. We’re only giving full page ads to our sponsors. You'd be thanked profusely in my curtain speech and get the VIP experience as well.

The VIP experience includes 6 "front and center" seats that come with a concessions package, a special entrance and reserved parking at the performance of your choice as well as 6 Sound of Music t-shirts if you'd like them.

In order to put your ad in the program and have a banner printed in time to hang up outside the school next week, we'll need your artwork for both items by Wednesday at 5PM.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Rehearsal this week

Monday- Von Trapp kids, captain, Maria and Max until 5:30

Wednesday- nuns and Maria until 5:30

Thursday: tentative Fine Arts Fest rehearsal tbd

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Oration Contest Updates

Rehearsal tomorrow will be ending early at 4:30. Meet in Mrs. Egan's room. She is making a change in your choreography for FRIDAY ONLY that you need to grasp quickly. You won't have much time in the afternoon.

Oration Contest performers should wear:
Von Trapp girls: nightgown if you have one, pj's otherwise. Bethany- wear a robe if you can.
Von Trapp boys: pj's
Folks in the Town: All black with a solid colored jacket (not hoodie or sweatshirt). Gracie wears a pink jacket and the rest of you need to pick a different color. Emma, you can wear something more "mom-ish" if you'd like. Zac- I have a nifty tyrolean hat you can wear. Girls- Juliana's mom is making you Edelweiss headbands. Get excited.

Practice today is shortened

Pick up at 5. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Civic Duty Calls

Hi Genesians,

I've been called for jury duty tomorrow. If I am released on time for rehearsal, we'll go on as usual. However, if I'm going to be there for the majority of the day, I'll either cancel or shorten rehearsal. I'll post here by 1PM tomorrow.

Oration Contest, Sunday Rehearsal and Your Help

Hi Everyone,

A few updates:

Oration Contest

We'll perform The Lonely Goatherd on Friday night at the Oration Contest. If you cannot make it, please let me know.
- meet in the glass hallway outside the PLC at 8PM on Friday evening. You can be picked up as soon as the judges are finished deliberating or at the end of the contest in front of the PLC.
- clothing requirements TBD. I'm trying to get t-shirts by Friday night for those of you who are performing but if we cannot, we'll have to get creative. :)
- you are only performing in this song if you were at rehearsal on Sunday. I will not put those of you who missed that rehearsal into the song for this Friday night
-we'll rehearse Thursday after school to make sure it looks great. Let's plan to end at 5PM.

Sunday Rehearsal

Everyone is called for at least 2 full runthroughs on Sunday from 12-5. We'll be in the PLC. Bring a snack and your focus. Close-toed shoes are a must. If your character wears a skirt, do your best to come dressed that way to start getting used to it. Boys, bring dress shoes to practice in.


I desperately need you to sign up to volunteer. Many of you have, and I thank you, but I notice most of your names do not appear once on the sign up. We cannot do it without you.

Osceola County School for the Arts is lending furniture to us to use in our production. I need two vehicles to go and pick up furniture, unless you drive a Uhaul. We're picking up 4 dining chairs, two side tables, a large desk, a large desk chair, and a smaller chair. If you are available to drive to the school and pick up the furniture on Thursday or Friday, please let me know. Thank you!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Next Week's Rehearsal Schedule

Hi all,

Make sure you read my two previous posts about shoes and Sunday's rehearsals. Here's the plan for the coming week. 

Monday: nuns and Von Trapps (including Maria, Captain, and Max) until 5:30. 

Wednesday: Von Trapps (including Maria, Captain, and Max) until 5:30. 

We'll rehearse for the Oration Contest Tuesday or Thursday after school if necessary. Song tbd. 

Full Cast Rehearsal

We'll meet in the cafe on Sunday and rehearse from 2-5. 

Captain, Max, Mother Abbess- be prepared to sing solos/perform monologues, whichever applies to you. 

Franz/Frau- know your lines and entrances. We have props to play with!

Leisl/Rolf- know your music and your blocking so far and be ready to play. We're finalizing 16->17 blocking on Sunday. 

Everyone else- know Lonely Goatherd like the back of your hand. If you're struggling eith RMS coach, make sure you are following the directions exactly and that you are copying and pasting all the necessary information in. It must be exact.

Review your waltz steps and don't forget that you should now be off book for the entire show. That means you should still bring your script but you should not be using it to help you during runs of the scenes. 

We will perform two songs from the show in the coming weeks- one at the oration contest the evening of April 17th and another at the Fine Arts Festival the evening of April 24th. I will choose whichever two pieces are 1. Ready and 2. Most appropriate for the occasion and promotion of the show. You determine if a song is ready. If you'd like this opportunity, show me you are prepared! If you know you will be unavailable either evening, please email me and let me know. Thanks!

Shoes and Socks Requirements

These costume pieces, along with the other costume and makeup requirements discussed at the parent meeting, are due the weekend tech week begins. Order now!

The chart below is an image which makes copying and pasting difficult. Here's a list of the links to make copying and pasting easier. 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Sunday Rehearsal

Hello Genesians,

It was not part of my original plan when we started this process, but I'd like to rehearse this Sunday afternoon. I understand that many of you have travel plans made already but if you are available, I would so appreciate (and the kids would, too) the opportunity to run things one last time before we put it on hold for two weeks.

I'd like to rehearse with the Von Trapp family (Captain, Maria, kids, Max, Franz and Frau Schmidt) from 2-5 and the nuns from 3-4. Location is tentatively Cafeteria.

Please let me know if your child has been called and you are not able to make it. Check back for updates because I might make changes based on availability. Thank you!

Volunteer Slots Filling Up!

Hello Parents!

Those volunteer slots are filling up quickly. Please make your selection quickly so you can serve our production in the best way for you.

You can access the sign up page here.

The deadline for t-shirt orders is Sunday, March 29th at 5PM. Go to the Order T-shirts tab at the top of the blog to place your order today!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Updated: Volunteer Sign Ups for Parents

UPDATE: I've changed the link for volunteer sign ups so you all can edit the document. Minor detail!

Hello Cast and Crew Parents!

It was so nice seeing many of you this morning at our meeting. Thank you so much for taking the time to join us for a few minutes today. I hope we clarified some things and we're making for a smooth production process.

As promised, here is the link to the Volunteer Sign Up page. Please take a few minutes to scroll through the list and see where you can best serve. We need help in all areas but especially in the top four coordinator positions as soon as possible. I promise I won't leave you hanging if you sign up for one of those spots. We'll find a time to meet before Spring Break (or over Spring Break!) and get you started.

The link to order t-shirts is now a new page on our blog. You can get there by clicking this link. Happy Ordering!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Parents Meeting Recap

For any parents who may have missed today's meeting or need a recap, here is the PowerPoint presentation we shared:

Cast and Crew Parent Meeting

Four corporate sponsorships are available for $2,500 each.
The package includes:
  • Promotion in the form of:
    • Name on the back of the t-shirts
    • One of only four full page ads in the program
    • Spot on the sponsors banner that will hang next to the school driveway leading up to the show and in the PLC during performances
    • Special spot in our pre-show behind-the-scenes video
  • The VIP Experience
    • 6 VIP seats with concessions
    • 6 The Sound of Music t-shirts
    • VIP entrance and parking
We need ALL parents! If your child is a part of the cast or crew of The Sound of Music, we need your help to make our production happen. There are many ways to help!

Please note: We are in need of lighting and sounds assistance, in a BIG way.  Any help or contacts that can be offered would be GREATLY appreciated.
Available Volunteer Positions: 
  • Volunteer Coordinator 
  • Corporate Sponsorship Coordinator 
  • Program Coordinator 
  • Ad Sales Coordinator
  • Strike Team 
  • Pizza Team – Saturday afternoon 
  • Dessert Team – Saturday night 
  • Dinner for Adults Team 
  • After Party Parents
  • Sell Tickets at Mass
  • Costume Pieces Check-in
  • Costume Label Maker
  • Platform Construction
  • Furniture Pick Up/Return
  • Water
  • AA Batteries
  • Hair/Makeup Supplies
  • Paint
  • Seamstresses
  • T-shirt Distribution
  • Concessions Help
  • Box Office
  • Backstage Help
Crew & Sets:
Ms. Sell-Dane says… 
“Once we have our set designs complete and materials secured we will begin the process of calling for sign-up of crew work.

In the near future, emails will be sent out asking for crew help on specific days at specific times. Please be sure your Renweb email address is up to date.” 

“Please remember that we have 45 crew members and will only use 5-15 members at any work shift. Work needing to be completed will dictate the number of crew members needed on any given day. 

All crew members are required to work at least one shift. Please try to be flexible. Thank you!” 

Tech Week:  April 26th-May 3rd 
  • Attendance is crucial 
  • Plan ahead 
    • Homework 
    • Dinner 
    • Rides (cast call times might complicate this) 
  • Plan is still very much TBD 
  • Crew needs black pants and black shoes 
  • ALL Cast & Crew need to bring a reusable water bottle, disposable plastic water bottles will not be provided this year.  Please put your name on your refillable water bottle. 
Tentative Tech Week Schedule: 
Please note, this is the schedule from last year, please use it as a sample. Our schedule will look similar but will not look identical.   Please keep an eye on the blog for updates and changes as late as the night before.  (You can subscribe to blog updates by using the subscribe by email box on the top, right corner of this page.)
  • Monday, 4/28 - 6:00-8:00 PLC- Run entire show - All Cast & All Crew
  • Tuesday, 4/29 - 5:00 - 8:00pm PLC- Tech Rehearsal - All Cast & Partial Crew
  • Wednesday 4/30 5:00 - 8:00pm PLC- Dress Rehearsal (no hair/makeup) - All Cast & Some Crew
    • Cast call 5:45
  • Thursday 5/1 -7:00pm PLC- Full Dress Rehearsal with All Cast & All Crew
    • Full Performance 7pm
    • Crew call 6:00pm 
    • Cast call TBD starting at 4:30PM
  • Friday, 5/2 School Performance 10:30am PLC 
    • Still working out details due to First Friday Mass. All children should wear their formal uniform to school. Crew should bring crew clothes to change into. Some cast members will be asked to arrive early to get into costume for drop off. You’ll be notified. Early dismissal.
  • Friday 5/2 Opening Performance 7pm PLC- Crew Call 6:00 pm 
    •  Cast call TBD beginning at 4:30pm
  • Saturday, 5/3 Final Performances 3PM AND 7pm PLC 
    • 3PM show - Crew call 2pm Cast call TBD beginning at 12:30pm 
    • 7PM show - Crew call 6pm Cast call TBD beginning at 4:30pm 
    • AFTER PARTY Immediately Following the Final Show
Cast: $70 (includes costume fee)
Crew: $25
  • Billed through Renweb
  • Due by start of Spring Break

Next Up for CREW Parents: 
  • Sign up for a volunteer position 
  • Order additional t-shirts if you are interested 
    • All cast and crew members have paid for a shirt in their dues. 
    • Order for friends and family 
    • Links will be posted on the blog

CAST Requirements: 
  • Costumes 
    • We’ll be asking for specific tights, socks and shoes in the coming weeks. 
    • Please LABEL them with your child’s name. 
    • Will be due sometime leading up to tech week. 
  • Girls
    • Sports bra 
    • Bike shorts/athletic shorts 
    • You will be sent home without them starting April 26th.
  • Makeup for ALL cast members 
    • In a baggie with your child’s name on it, please include:
      • Black mascara 
      • Black pencil eye liner 
      • Liquid foundation- pre-applied upon arrival starting Thursday, April 30thNext Up for CAST Parents 
Next Up for CAST Parents: 
  • Sign up for a volunteer position 
  • Order additional t-shirts if you are interested 
    • All cast and crew members have paid for a shirt in their dues. 
    • Order for friends and family 
  • Keep an eye out for costume requirements 
  • Purchase makeup 
  • Girls- bring extra costume pieces
Thank You! 

Monday Rehearsal

Anyone in scenes 11 and 12 are called tomorrow. See you then!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Sunday meeting and rehearsal

Cast and Crew Parent Meeting
Sunday at 10am in the cafeteria 
Enter through the media side gate

Sunday 10:30 am -1:30 pm
The entire cast is called to continue blocking and to run the first act. Bring a snack. We'll rehearse in the cafeteria. Pick up in the front. If you cannot make it due to the time change, please let me know ASAP. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Sound of Music Special on TV Tonight!

Hello Genesians,

Tune in tonight to ABC for a special 20/20 on The Sound of Music.

It might be a good idea to DVR it and check it out tomorrow since it's on at 10. :)

Here's some information:

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Monday rehearsal

Tomorrow I'll review scenes with:

Von Trapp children

Pick up at 5:30 in the front. 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Friday, March 13, 2015

Sunday rehearsal

This Sunday, the 15th, we're aiming to block scenes 9 and 10. We need:


Von Trapp Children

Frau Schmidt
Von Schreiber

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Yearbook Photo

Cast and Crew of SOM,

Our yearbook photo will be taken on Thursday, March 19th at 8:15 in the gym.

You MUST be in formal uniform. Thank you!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Monday Rehearsal

Scene 9: We need the Captain, Max, Maria and the Von Trapp children until 5:00 PM. See you then!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Blog Email Subscription Issues

Hi everyone,

Some of you have mentioned to me that you are not receiving blog updates in a timely fashion to make plans for drop off and pick up. I've looked into the issues and changed our daily delivery window to 7-9PM.

What does this mean?
If you do not receive a blog update email between 7PM and 9PM and expect that there might be rehearsal the next day (Monday, Wednesday or Sunday), it is still your responsibility to check the blog. If there is no post on the blog by the time you wake up in the morning, you can safely assume that there is no rehearsal that day.

I hope this delivery window change helps the issues we've been having but keep checking the blog in the meantime. Thank you!

Sunday rehearsal

Hello everyone,
Tomorrow we'll continue with the same group from last weekend. This means the entire cast is called except for Mother Abbess. You should be off book for any scenes we did last weekend and familiar with the rest of scenes 6 and 7. 

We'll rehearse in the PLC from 2-5. See you then!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Friday, February 27, 2015

Rehearsal on Sunday, March 1st

Hi Genesians-

This Sunday we would like to block scenes 6 & 7 and work on choreography for "So Long, Farewell."  We will need THE WHOLE CAST for this rehearsal.  Please study up on your lines for  scenes 6 & 7.  Von Trapp kids and Captain, please also look over the lyrics for "Reprise: The Sound of Music" and "So Long, Farewell."


What: Scenes- 6&7, Songs- "Reprise: The Sound of Music" and "So Long, Farewell."

When: 2-4pm

Where: Cafeteria through the back gate (unless you hear otherwise)
Parents, please pick up students out front at 4pm.

How: Come prepared (bring your script and a pencil) and be ready to work.  Remember we are all sticking to the Genesians Code of Conduct.

Please come ready to sing and pack your confidence. 

We are looking forward to Sunday!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

No Rehearsal Tomorrow

The end of the trimester makes this a difficult week for teachers. Take Wednesday off as well and keep an eye out for Sunday plans!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Friday, February 20, 2015

Update to Online Vocal Coach

Hi again!

If you checked yesterday and tried to download the vocal coach program, you noticed the tab I spoke of was mysteriously missing!

It's been "turned on" and is now accessible. Try again! Thanks!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Online Vocal Coach

Hello SOM Cast!

Guess what? We have access to an online vocal coach!

I know what you're thinking. "That's great but only the director can access it on her computer." Right?

Wrong! You can access it from your computer! Click on the Music Downloads tab above and follow the directions to begin singing!

Remember- you are expected to know your music when you arrive for rehearsal. You now have access to music from the entire show and can slow it down, change the key and all sorts of other things. Take the time necessary to learn how to use the program and it will benefit you greatly!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Rehearsal Schedule

Hello Genesians!

Our goal for the next three rehearsals is to block scenes through page 30. Some scenes might take longer than others to block which is why it's hard to determine who we'll need until after we've completed the rehearsal before. That being said, the rehearsal schedule is tentative and subject to change. 

Pick up is always outside the front gates of the school. If we're in the cafeteria, please drop off at the back gate and still pick up in the front of the building. 

Wednesday, Feb. 11th AND Wednesday, Feb. 18th until 5:30 PM
Scene 3
Frau Schmidt

Sunday, Feb. 22nd 1:45-4:30 in the Cafeteria
**All actors called on this day should be entirely memorized** You must bring your script to use when you're not on stage. 
Scenes 3 and 4
All characters mentioned above and Rolf
Sunday, Feb. 22nd 3:30-4:30
Full run through of scenes 1-4
Add ALL nuns (Mother Abbess and the whole gang) 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Rehearsal on Sunday 2.8.15

Hi Genesians-

This Sunday we would like to start blocking the first two scenes and work on choreography for "Maria."  We will need all the Nuns and Maria for this rehearsal.  Please study up on your lines for the first two scenes as well as the song lyrics for Maria.  Maria and Mother Abbess, please also look over Sound of Music and My Favorite Things.

Maria Rainer
Mother Abbess
Sister Berthe
Sister Sophia
Sister Margaretta
Nun #1
Nun #2
Nun #3
Nun #4
Nun #5 (apologies for the error)

What: Scenes- 1&2, Songs-The Sound of Music, Maria, My Favorite Things

When: 1-3pm

Where: Cafeteria through the back gate (unless you hear otherwise)

How: Come prepared (bring your script and a pencil) and be ready to work.  Remember we are all sticking to the Genesians Code of Conduct.

For all Cast members not called for rehearsal this weekend, please use your free time to study up on your lines and listen to songs you will sing.

We are looking forward to Sunday!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Rehearsal Tomorrow

Rehearsal tomorrow is an ALL call meaning every cast member is called. Meet in 5A and don't forget your script! Pick up will be at 5:30 outside the front gate.

Measurement Request


I need your help! Please send your neck measurement (around your neck where your shirt collar sits) to ASAP or see me during homeroom in the morning. I need measurements from:




Monday, February 2, 2015

NO Rehearsal Today

Hi Genesians,

I've had a lot of questions about what time rehearsal is today. If I don't post on the blog by the time you wake up in the morning, you can assume there's no rehearsal that day!

My plan is to spend the first handful of rehearsals teaching choreography for the musical numbers that require the most movement such as Maria, Do-Re-Mi, Sixteen Going on Seventeen, The Lonely Goatherd and So Long, Farewell.

That means you need to know your music! Spend this free afternoon learning the songs you sing and knowing them like the back of your hand. The sheet music pages are in the back of your script. If you cannot find a track to sing along with online, please let me know.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

CREW Meeting Revision

Hello Genesians,

If you are interested in being on the crew, please make note of the appropriate meeting you need to attend. I posted earlier that all interested students should attend a meeting on Monday but that is incorrect.

8th Grade: Attend a meeting at 2:30 on Monday
7th Grade: Attend a meeting at 2:30 on Tuesday
6th Grade: Attend a meeting at 2:30 on Wednesday

Saturday, January 31, 2015

First Rehearsal: Sunday, February 1st

Hello Genesians!

We'll have our first rehearsal, our read through, tomorrow from 12-2 in 5A. We wouldn't want to interfere with the Super Bowl! See you there!

Friday, January 30, 2015

The Sound of Music CREW Interest Meeting

Hi everyone!

Any 6th-8th grader interested in joining the run crew for The Sound of Music needs to attend a short interest meeting in the Art room on Monday at 2:30. Thanks!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Sound of Music CAST LIST

Hello everyone!

The cast list can be found at this link. If you're on the list, PLEASE confirm your role before Friday at 5PM. Thank you!

We'll see you on Sunday for our read through! More info is on its way!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Sound of Music CALLBACKS Announced!

Hello all!

You all did a wonderful job at auditions on Sunday and blew us away! Some of you really “wow”-ed us and we’d like to see you again to see if you are just right for one of the roles in The Sound of Music.

Please know that being called back is not a guarantee of being cast (again, 25ish parts, 80 students auditioning). In the same way, not being called back does not mean you won’t have a part! Make sure to check the cast list when it is posted.

We’re tentatively planning a read-through for the cast on Sunday afternoon, exact time and location TBD. 

About Callbacks

Callbacks will be held during the school day tomorrow for everyone except 8th graders. Teachers will have more information about how callbacks will operate in the morning.

8th graders on the callback list- please DO NOT leave your teaching post for the day to come to callbacks during the school day. We’ll need to see 8th graders on the callback list after school until 4:15. Meet after school in 5A.

We will also need to see students with *** by their name after school tomorrow until 4:45. Meet after school in 5A.

Please use the same materials provided for auditions to prepare for callbacks. Again, nothing needs to be memorized but the more familiar you are with the music and text, the better you will perform tomorrow! Be ready to READ and SING for your character if one is indicated.

ALL girls called back, whether mentioned under a character name or not, should be prepared to sing the snippet online from “Maria.” In addition, if you are listed under a particular character’s name, please prepare the song snippet from the blog indicated in parentheses.

ALL boys called back, whether mentioned under a character name or not, should be prepared to read for Max, Herr Zeller, Baron Elberfeld and Admiral Von Schreiber.

Maria (The Sound of Music)
Bethany Asquino***
Logan McGraw***
Madison Harbilas***

Mother Abbess (Climb Ev’ry Mountain)
Sarah Marzouk
Kiran Singh
Katie Ferrell
Valeria Quintero
Toni JeBailey
Emma Neary

Liesl (Sixteen Going on Seventeen)
Meredith O’Malley***
Amelia Becerra***
Bethany Asquino***

Von Trapp Boys (Do-Re-Mi)
Zac Zweifel
Luke Timmel
Joseph Gundrum
Ignacio Estrada

Von Trapp Girls (Do-Re-Mi)
Madison Harbilas
Kaitlyn Prihoda
Maddie Bansmer
Genevieve Warren
Meredith O’Malley
Francesca Medaglia
Kristyn Walzak
Alexandra Moncada
Isabella Santos

Rolf (Sixteen Going on Seventeen)
JJ Galloway
Luke Timmel

Frau Schmidt (prepare to read)
Norah Flaherty
Natalie Chater
Logan McGraw
Jennifer Ragazzo
Emily Reilly
Madison Harbilas
Toni JeBailey
Kaitlyn Prihoda

Franz (prepare to read)
Joseph Gundrum
CJ Goodyear

Girls- prepare “Maria.”
Boys- prepare to read for Max, Herr Zeller, Baron Elberfeld, and Admiral Von Shreiber)
Peter DeLeon
Nicholas DeMonte
Mia Plaugher
Amanda Ordona
Jenylle Jecino
Drew Paone
Miguel Molina
Emma Crawford
Seamus Sweeney***
Matthew Neary
Grace Neary