Find me tomorrow at rehearsal if you need clarification. If you say, "that note you gave me," I'll never remember what you're talking about so try to be specific with your question.
Thank you! You all did a great job today. I'm so excited to see you all adapt to the other additions coming this week!
Bethany- you do such a beautiful job singing "The Sound of Music." Don't feel like you must walk the entire time. You can stop to take it all in, skip over the brook, etc. There is great power in stillness. Maria isn't still most of the time (remember that because you, Bethany, are a very still, calming force) but certain things make her pause for a moment... the hills are one of those things.
Logan (Maddie and Kaitlyn, also)- you have great expression in your lines in "Maria." I love seeing your frustration with Maria's un-nunly antics. Don't forget to make a choice about to whom you are directing each line. It's important that they're not sung into the air. Are you talking to Mother Abbess, Sr. Sophia, Sr. Margaretta or all three of them? Make it clear and this song will soar. Logan and Kaitlyn- don't forget your dismay when Sr. Margaretta says "She makes me laugh."
All nuns- You were assigned groups when we first blocked this song. Do you remember which group you're in? Talk with each other tomorrow and figure it out because there should be three groups that sing in succession but now it's jumbled. At first I wondered if Amanda and Kiran switched spots, might it fix it? I'm not sure now. I need you all to work together to figure it out.
Bethany- will you check the spike (tape) marks for the chair you sit in near Mother Abbess' desk tomorrow? The placement looked strange during the run-through. I'd like the chair closer to the desk so if the spike marks need to be moved, feel free to make that happen.
Katie- you and Bethany sing so beautifully together in "My Favorite Things." Make sure you come in strong in the parts that are yours alone. "Cream colored ponies" stood out today.
Bethany- don't forget to do the sign of the cross when you kneel to pray in the interior of the house upon your arrival.
Seamus- Great job with your opening scene today. Don't forget to clean the whistle and blow her off while you tell her her duties.
Seamus- Don't forget that you call the kids using three different whistle commands. 1. assemble 2. march 3. stop
Genevieve- enter a little sooner tomorrow. You should be onstage as the kids are doing their redress motion. Don't forget the breakdown of the actions as soon as you bump into Seamus. I think there were 5 different things that happen before you run back to your spot.
Seamus- We didn't have the second whistle today, but please review in your script where you hand it to Maria. I think it's shortly after all the kids are in line, but you didn't say that line today.
Von Trapp Kids- Do Re Mi is a knock out number. Keep it up! You do a brilliant job with it. In the moments where you sing a single word on your own, such as when you jump up into the line where you scooch backwards doing the motion that matches your word, you need to be very clear and facing the audience as you say your word. Don't hold back there. Same thing as Maria assembles you into the xylophone structure before the do mi mi, mi so so. Make it strong!
Von Trapp Kids- Kristyn, if Juliana doesn't shove you at the point where you're all supposed to make the domino effect, you'll need to do it. Be prepared and make it happen!
Bethany- You might be doing this already, but if you're not, make an attempt to at least appear like you're playing the guitar. It can be chords here and there. Don't think too much about it.
Genevieve- There's something yellow built into the bottom of your shoes. Will you please use a black sharpie to cover that up? Thank you!
Leisl- We were a little messed up today since we were missing a couple of the kids, but know that when Maria puts you all in the xylophone set up that you will end up on the stairs. If the spacing works out and you're on the floor, that's fine with me, too.
All Actors- I know it's tough in those shoes, but try to walk and run more than you slide. Wear them outside and scuff them up on the concrete.
Joseph- Enter right after the applause hits its peak after Do-Re-Mi.
Von Trapp Kids- SLOW DOWN and listen to the music in Do-Re-Mi. It is very easy to get excited and ignore the music, especially on opening night. Don't let this happen to you.
Toni- You did such a beautiful job in the scene with Maria when you talked about the Captain. It's clear that you, Toni, care about your performance and that the housekeeper cares about the family she serves. Lovely. Make sure that when Maria bends over to get the guitar that you step close to her so her mic picks up your voice. It worked through most of the scene until that point and I'm sure we can make it work.
JJ- Don't forget to cross downstage right when you first bring up the idea about Colonel Schneider and the accidental telegram. That way your turn when you say "don't tell your father," won't be so awkward.
Leisl- if you end up wearing a lapel mic for the show, you may not touch the front of your dress where the microphone is. As cute and appropriate as it is for you to do that in the song, we heard a bang every time you did it tonight. If the microphone is on your face, then by all means, bring on that kind of cute.
JJ and Leisl- your scene and song were adorable tonight. Keep it up!
JJ- you were more confident in your singing yesterday. Come find me tomorrow so we can bring that back!
Liesl- we talked about a new entrance for you into Maria's bedroom which might solve this problem... be careful not to tiptoe out of your light. You were on the edge of the upstage light as you were trying to escape unnoticed so come downstage a bit tomorrow.
Zac- I loved your confident entrance and your beautiful yodeling tonight. Keep it up!
Zac and Grace- I moved you both around tonight. Please don't go any farther downstage than I put you tonight. Grace- you can be closer to Zac in that scene.
Folks in the Town- you did a great job improvising your entrance tonight. Thank you! I love your nosy conversations that I can see. To do tomorrow: 1. Bring back the idea of a few of you entering first and being nosy, then summoning your friends on. 2. Acclimate the people who were not here the day we blocked that song so they can find a place in the song as well. Fill them in on what you do and give them a good spot so Emma has people to look through and around. Don't be afraid to create levels. You can have people down in the front that squat a bit and some people who bend their knees. That would make a beautiful picture!
Von Trapp Kids- I always look at you right at the end of this song. I'd rather that the four of you who stand on the corners of the bed all lean the same way at the same time. Try that tomorrow... match Luke and Amelia's leaning. Thank you!
That's all for now. If you're reading these notes, please check with your friends tomorrow to make sure that they have read these notes as well. I'm looking forward to you all being on point tomorrow. Meet me in the house and leave all your belongings out there tomorrow night.